💔🇨🇦 Canada has fallen

Although it was a fun sociological experiment being on Twitter. I’ve never been part of Twitter and try to avoid social media. I’ve had an account since 2014. I only started it because I was living in the bush and trying to follow the Superbowl scores. Things come full circle I guess.

I said I was backing off to my troll cave after the vote, and with martial law continuing I am serious. You are very annoying humans and it’s not worth spending more time with you.

Thank you to all the government, cops, reporters, activists and anyone else I have pissed off in the past few weeks. Thank you for this moment in history 🎉

I will continue to troll the #DefundTheCBC on YouTube. Fair play with abuse of tax dollars.

And here. On my site.

Part of me is shocked. How is this Canada?

Then the other half thinks

“well, always was dealing with stupid and corrupt”.

Tomorrow is a new day, back to regular programing. I will speak up for freedom, but not much I can do anymore. I tried. My part was over before I started and I never had a chance.

I lost friends, I lost alot. I risked alot.


To keep protesters safe on the ground.

To keep the YouTube live streams up.

Because I saw something wrong in the news narrative. I believed it even. I had no interest in this protest.

Now, I would have never forgiven myself if I didn’t speak up. I am grateful for this experience.

Speeding up film on the mainstream news by a micro fraction wouldn’t be enough for most people to pick up. If I didn’t see the live streams I would have bought the bullshit.

I lost faith and trust in a system I believed in. I never thought that a day like today would happen in a land I would die for. I’m not sure what I would be supporting anymore.

Losing Canada in this vote today was losing a part of me. Like everything my family stood for generations is washed away in an instant.

I’m not ok tonight. I will be tomorrow.

Life must go on even in martial law.

3 thoughts on “💔🇨🇦 Canada has fallen

  1. Kat – I used to work as a graphic designer, until one day I was tragically and blissfully hit by two colliding meteors! One caused my falling in love with the world of coffee! And the other resulted in me falling out of love with the not so wonderful and nearly suffocating office culture! I left the glamour of the design world, and opened up my little café! Those were the best years of my life! I say ‘were’, because (wait! May be another time! But please do ask me if you ‘must’ know and can’t sleep tonight unless I tell you!) For the past three years, I have been living in a pyramid shape house in a middle of a green forest in the summer; a green forest buried underneath lots - I mean LOTS - of snow in the winter. I used to ‘think I still do ;)’ love the city! With its buzzing energy! I love to travel and seeing different food and coffee scenes...preferably alone! visiting ‘quirky and unusual’ places! I do not love visiting museums, hugely commercialized areas, malls and landmarks! I love old and full of heritage ‘anything’! I also love, to sit in a busy coffeeshop ‘reading quietly’ and not talking! Talking exhausts me most of the time! Watching the world unfold.. and thinking ...never does!
    Kat says:

    I keep asking myself ‘…where to go from here? How do we carry on? Where can we find our forever gone..smiles?’

    1. bluecryptameria – Proud owner of Fluffy and Bambi, my pet dinosaurs, I also have a horrible sense of political satire. Please enjoy. Remember to not throw popcorn on the ushers
      bluecryptameria says:

      We have been through worse. We will get past this as well

      1. Kat – I used to work as a graphic designer, until one day I was tragically and blissfully hit by two colliding meteors! One caused my falling in love with the world of coffee! And the other resulted in me falling out of love with the not so wonderful and nearly suffocating office culture! I left the glamour of the design world, and opened up my little café! Those were the best years of my life! I say ‘were’, because (wait! May be another time! But please do ask me if you ‘must’ know and can’t sleep tonight unless I tell you!) For the past three years, I have been living in a pyramid shape house in a middle of a green forest in the summer; a green forest buried underneath lots - I mean LOTS - of snow in the winter. I used to ‘think I still do ;)’ love the city! With its buzzing energy! I love to travel and seeing different food and coffee scenes...preferably alone! visiting ‘quirky and unusual’ places! I do not love visiting museums, hugely commercialized areas, malls and landmarks! I love old and full of heritage ‘anything’! I also love, to sit in a busy coffeeshop ‘reading quietly’ and not talking! Talking exhausts me most of the time! Watching the world unfold.. and thinking ...never does!
        Kat says:

        Wish I had your optimism. From what I’m gathering, it’s over.

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