felix dies natalis mihi 🎂🥳🙏

Happy birthday to me!!!!! Thank you Mom ❣️ You choose your alien baby from the stars and gave herself the elf an amazing life🙏🎉🥰🫂💗💗💗 Thank you all my friends who have been sending me messages and the ones who spoiled me rotten with presents 🎁🙏💗💗💗 interesting I have it tuned to a bass guitar. Different […]

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All our best attempts…

omnium nostrum optimum conatus

I thought I could keep up with the artwork, blog and a “normal regular job” with an insane commute.

And homework

And chores.

And friends, family, life.

I have to leave the house by 5:45, earlier on the weekend schedule and I get home around 19:00.

If I had a car I’d have to live in it. Maybe one day I’ll get one again. Right now in the city it sucks to bus but I can’t afford my outrageous phone bill.

I drive on the internet these days. It even feels like a car running out of gas sometimes.

Yesterday showed me I am only so much woman.

I couldn’t come up with artwork. Nothing was working so by 5pm I gave up and just posted something.

Not all can be winners. I thought I had made enough in advance.

And I got 2.1k views on a short of the Coast Guard station.

Go figure.

I knew starting back at work again this blog, my animation, artwork would go on the shelf. I’m trying so hard to do it all.

I’m trying.

Tonight I want to see a band. I haven’t been out in a while.

How is this the big theme for Halloween this year?

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My arms hurt so bad today. I feel like I’ve been rolling around in sandpaper.

The cardboard boxes packing in combination with some of the oils from the trees is a little rough.

There is a reason Pine Sol is effective.

Work gave me comprehension sleeves.


Freeland and Trudeau bankrupted Canada


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Ita embay

Canada gets more and more embarrassing every day.

The House of Commons gave two standing ovations to a Nazi.

Not just a regular Nazi, a volunteer SS.

If someone fought against the Russians in WW2 that should have been a red flag right there. Don’t people know history.

See, if we had just done this then there would be no questions about who he was when the members of parliament applauded him.


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